Pony Club Ring Classes
Coordinator: Vicky Beasy, beasy.family@gmail.com
Judges: TBA
Prize Money/Voucher Value: 1st - $11, 2nd - $6, 3rd - $4
Special Awards
Champion Pony Club Rider - Sponsored by TBC, ribbon & trophy
Champion Pony Club Hack - Sponsored by TBC, ribbon & trophy
Pony Club Rider & Pony Club Mount Classes
- Please fill in and submit the following Waiver to mail@katherineshow.org.au
- These classes will be judged under Pony Club Rules.
- Riders can be in Pony Club attire or English attire and are required to ride with no whips, spurs or drop nose bands.
- The judging will be based on the suitability of the rider and horse for pony club.
- People wishing to nominate for these classes must be a current financial member of a Pony Club and have their membership number included on their entry forms.