Show Info

General Classes

What are you making and baking for this years show? Entries aren’t open yet, but it doesn’t mean you can’t get started!

2024 Show Schedule here so have a browse to get some ideas!

Drop off day for art, craft writing and photography is Saturday July the 13th. We start judging after drop off so it is super important to drop everything off by 2pm. If you are away that day, contact the Show Coordinator to make prior arrangements.

For cooking, horticulture and agriculture drop off is Thursday the 18h of July, 10am - 12:30pm. Again, judging start at 12:30pm so please make sure it is there on time.

Entries close Friday the 12th of July (the day before the big drop off day) for everything but junior cattle judging and handling, dog jumping and pet parade. These are open until the event!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

CLICK HERE for information on how to submit an entry.

Battle of the Businesses

This year, the Battle of the Businesses competition will span across all General Classes at the show.

CLICK HERE for more information and how to enter in Battle of the Businesses.


Including Fruit & Vegetables



Flowers, Plants and Gardens

Poetry & Writing

Write on the Show Theme or Any Subject